[Jack-Devel] FAIR

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DateTue, 10 Sep 2013 16:49:24 +0200
From Stéphane Letz <[hidden] at grame dot fr>
ToWolfgang Lorenz <[hidden] at gmx dot de>
Cc[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToWolfgang Lorenz [Jack-Devel] Using the callback free API with self-created RT-threads
AFAIR the jack_cycle_wait function is supposed to fail (and so properly quit the thread) if the server is shutdown. On which OS are you testing?

Can you send me tour jack_cycle_wait/jack_cycle_signal based code?



Le 10 sept. 2013 à 16:35, Wolfgang Lorenz <[hidden]> a écrit :

> Hello,
> I'm currently trying to create a JACK-based backend for an already
> existing audio processing software. The software creates multiple
> RT-threads and at the end of each cycle hands the control to the audio
> driver, which does the communication to whatever interface is chosen.
> So far, nothing new... Using the callback free API, the communication
> to the jack server went well, until the point where I shut down the
> jack server and the jack client blocked unrecoverably in the
> jack_cycle_wait() call.
> Some studies of the jack2-sources showed, that jack_cycle_wait() is
> waiting 0x7FFFFFFF microseconds (about 2147.4836 seconds) for the
> signal to wake up, and afterwards kills the thread, if the signal
> didn't arrive. I guess that it is expected, that jack_cycle_wait() is
> solely called from the callback function provided by
> jack_set_process_thread(). I'm guilty, because this is, what I am not
> doing. Since I am already operating in a RT thread, I just call
> jack_client_wait() from the thread my method is called on. Using the
> JACK-provided thread would only mean to introduce yet another
> synchronization point -- which by the way would be the same as in the
> callback API.
> Thinking about it, I don't really understand why the thread has to be
> killed, after the time out. Even if jack_cycle_wait() was called from
> the callback function, a return value of 0 should suffice to signal the
> jack client, to please return from the function -- the thread would
> close down automatically afterwards.
> Also, the maximum time out duration is somewhat impractical, especially
> in audio processing terms, as it leaves the system hanging with no
> possibility to correctly handling any anomalies. I think the best way
> here would be to leave it to the user, what time is adequate.
> As a conclusion, I can't use this API, though it looked very promising,
> and I will have to implement the callback way with some means of
> synchronization. (Even if this was "fixed" in any way now, I need to
> stay compatible with some older versions.)
> But what I wanted to know is: Is this really the way the callback-free
> API is supposed to work? Does anybody else see this as a problem or bug
> that should be fixed?
> Sincerely,
>  Wolfgang Lorenz
> PS: Is this the same as http://trac.jackaudio.org/ticket/27 ?
> Jack-Devel mailing list
> [hidden]
> http://lists.jackaudio.org/listinfo.cgi/jack-devel-jackaudio.org
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