[Jack-Devel] Using Jack to route ASIO audio over Remote Terminal session

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DateFri, 30 Aug 2013 13:01:23 -0700
From Ben Eggehorn <[hidden] at hotmail dot com>
To"[hidden] at jackaudio dot org" <[hidden] at jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpGraham Goode Re: [Jack-Devel] Using Jack to route ASIO audio over Remote Terminal session
I'm looking into finding a solution that will allow me to route audio from an ASIO audio application (ASIO4ALL) through an internet based Windows Remote Desktop connection.
My audio host is Avid ProTools running ASIO4ALL as the playback engine. I had limited success using Virtual Audio Cable in that it worked fine over LAN but did not pass audio over a Remote Terminal session (known limitation of the software).
I've just discovered Jack and am trying to wrap my head around the configuration. Here is my current installation and setup:
Windows 7x64
ASIO4ALL 2.10 installed
Jack 1.9.9 installed and 64bit .dll has been registered successfully
After running Jack Port Audio, I get the message in the command window that "Jack Server started in realtime mode with priority 10" however the command window does not stay open as detailed in the Using Jack on Windows FAQ. It appears as though something is failing at this stage? I used the following command  to keep the cmd window open so I could try to find more info about the possible error:
%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jack\jackd.exe" -R -S -d portaudio ASIO::ASIO4ALL v2
(the /k switch simply forces the cmd window to stay open after executing the command)
After running this command, the window displays this information:
At this point I can't figure out how to get past this issue.
Even though the command windows closes I do see JackRouter listed in *one* of my ASIO apps audio setup pages. I have several ASIO based audio apps on my system but so far the only one that shows the Jack Router is GForce MTron Pro (my desired application, ProTools, does not show the Jack Router as an option). Regardless, trying to select Jack Router as the playback device fails with the message:
"Couldn't load the ASIO Driver because the device is not connected"
I'd appreciate any help you can offer me into getting this properly configured. Thanks so much!

Ben Eggehorn/Recording Services

P.O. Box 181

Monrovia, CA 91017-0181






* Attachment: 'Jack PortAudio cmd window after running.PNG'
content-type: image/png
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