Re: [Jack-Devel] jack_last_frame_time always module buffer-size?

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DateThu, 22 Aug 2013 20:34:17 +0200
From [hidden] at bek dot no <[hidden] at bek dot no
To[hidden] at jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] jack_last_frame_time always module buffer-size?
>>>>> "P" == Paul Davis <[hidden]> writes:

    P> there is no inherent relationship between the buffer size and the
    P> frame time. code that tries to infer such a relationship will
    P> break.

Right, buffer size as such is irrelevant here.

Just to make sure theres no confusion stemming from my original
question: can i expect Jack to do its next call for my callback-func at
a certain frame offset since the previous call?

Aim here is to use jacks frame-accurate timing to schedule events at
'some_future_frame' by tagging with that frame's
'period_boundary_frame_no + 'frame_offset_inside_buffer - and as periods
fly by lookup the current buffers worth of events using

It seems to work great in the client im building atm., perhaps im just
being lucky.

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