Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack beginner question

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DateWed, 21 Aug 2013 14:01:40 +0200
From Florian Paul Schmidt <[hidden] at gmx dot net>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToVal Veirs (R) [Jack-Devel] Jack beginner question
On 21.08.2013 08:15, Val Veirs (R) wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am just beginning to look at Jack.  I am running Ubuntu 13.04 and I installed the binaries and QJackCtrl seems to work just fine.  That makes me think that so far I have the deamon running as it should.
> I want to compile just the simplest of your example clients programs to get started.
>   I download the Jack sources and put them in my user space.  There I find metro.c.  In a terminal window I try to compile and I run into path problems.
> Here is what is reported:
> val@zar:~/JackFiles/jack-$  gcc -o metronome `pkg-config --cflags --libs jack` metro.c
> Package jack was not found in the pkg-config search path.
> Perhaps you should add the directory containing `jack.pc'
> to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
> No package 'jack' found
> metro.c:30:23: fatal error: jack/jack.h: No such file or directory
> compilation terminated.
> I guess my question is what should PKG_CONFIG_PATH point to?
> I would appreciate any suggestions.

Like some other people mentioned, you need the -dev packages for 
libjack. But the metro client should be available in the (some) jack 
package. It's called jack_metro. You could also try tools like jack_lsp 
to check if the daemon is running fine..

But just to answer your question: pkg-config looks in some default paths 
for .pc files. One of them should be /usr/lib/pkgconfig. If you want it 
to search additional paths, then you can point it to e.g. 
/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig, this is where the .pc files of packages are 
often put when you build the packages yourself from source and leave the 
default prefix /usr/local unchanged. Installing libjack-dev (or whatever 
it's called) should give you /usr/lib/pkgconfig/jack.pc. So no need to 
adjust the PKG_CONFIG_PATH..

Have fun,

> Val Veirs
> Colorado College
> Colorado Springs
> Jack-Devel mailing list
> [hidden]
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