[Jack-Devel] Windows compilation - me too

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DateTue, 13 Aug 2013 08:51:38 +0300
From Amir Eldor <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpGraham Goode Re: [Jack-Devel] Windows compilation - me too
Follow-UpSam Hanes Re: [Jack-Devel] Windows compilation - me too
Hello Jacks,

As far as I can see, Windows development of Jack isn't particularly
interesting to most devs here, and I would like to attempt to change it.

I am trying to compile Jack but in vain. I currently own a Windows 7
machine and would like to develop a cross platform application using Jack.
I understood that modern MSVC++ is not supported, so we'll put that aside.
I tried CB (Code::Blocks), but am facing some problems.

On CB, a required 'config.h' is missing, As I understand it, the /
config.h.in was not populated when opening a cbp file from within the
'/windows/' folder.  How is this done?

But let's put that aside as well. What is your opinion on trying to move
the windows build process to 'waf' as well? And in the process of doing
this transition, I will also document all the necessary compilation steps
(which is currently lacking) /or the sake of future generations.

Is anyone in for helping me?

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