Re: [Jack-Devel] ASIO i/o Latency functionality?

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DateMon, 12 Aug 2013 17:41:26 -0400
From Paul Davis <[hidden] at linuxaudiosystems dot com>
ToEric <[hidden] at ericbeam dot com>
CcJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToEric Re: [Jack-Devel] ASIO i/o Latency functionality?
Follow-UpSam Hanes Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK Windows Drivers (was: ASIO i/o Latency functionality)
JACK isn't going to export any of that information to ASIO, as far as I
know, because I am fairly certain that portaudio provides no way to do so.

Despite the steadily growing number of users of JACK on windows, there has
been an almost complete lack of developers for that platform getting
involved in the project. It would be fantastic if we had a "real" ASIO
backend and/or a "real" WDM/winRT backend for windows. But that is not
going to happen without someone who really knows and cares about windows
stepping up to do the work, and as far I know, nobody has expressed any
interest in doing this sort of thing.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Eric <[hidden]> wrote:

> I see, I'm using jack to connect two or more asio capable DAW applications
> ( ProTools, bidule, & sonar). Gluing them together with the jackroute ASIO
> driver. Jack is also allowing me to get around the ProTools limitation of
> only allowing access to the first 32 sequential input/outputs of your
> hardware interface, and the lack of VST support . Each Jackroute instance
> seems to introduce the system buffer latency without compensation. So I was
> experimenting with the latency offset options. The ultimate goal is just to
> be able to track a live instrument and have it appear in time on the
> timeline without manually compensating. I don't monitor through software so
> high latencies are fine.
> Sent from mobile
> Paul Davis <[hidden]> wrote:
> providing latency values to JACK does nothing. it simply makes the
> information available to clients that can use it to do various kinds of
> latency compensation. what client(s) are you using on windows and what do
> you expect to see happen?
> Jack-Devel mailing list
> [hidden]
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