Re: [Jack-Devel] starting jack from an ssh session - dbus problem

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DateSun, 11 Aug 2013 11:02:57 -0700
From Sam Hanes <[hidden] at maltera dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToAthanasios Silis [Jack-Devel] starting jack from an ssh session - dbus problem
On 2013-08-11 10:22, Athanasios Silis wrote:
> I am on a ubuntustudio64 - 13.04 system.
> I would like to be able to start the jack daemon from an ssh on occasions.
> I stumble upon DBUS though.
>     nass@starkill:~$ jackd -S -dalsa -dhw:1,0 -r44100 -p128 -n2
>     [snip]
>     Failed to connect to session bus for device reservation Unable to
>     autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
> is there a switch to disable dbus? can I (and should I) compile a
> version of jack in another folder without dbus and run this instead?

Reading the documentation, it doesn't appear that there's a command-line 
switch to disable dbus support. I didn't check the source code, though, 
so there may be one that's just undocumented.

Since you're running Ubuntu Studio, I'm guessing you have X running. 
That is, the machine on which you're trying to run JACK has a graphical 
interface. You just don't have DISPLAY set because your shell is being 
started by sshd and not in the process tree of a graphical session. If 
you have a logged in session under X you should be able to connect to it 
by setting DISPLAY yourself:
     $ export DISPLAY=:0.1

If that doesn't help, or if you don't have an active X session, you can 
start the dbus daemon manually:
     $ dbus-daemon --session

Once you have the dbus daemon running JACK should no longer need X to 
auto-start it (I think). For more information on dbus-daemon see:

Sam Hanes
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