[Jack-Devel] Jack on a Nexus 7

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DateSat, 20 Jul 2013 07:48:02 -0700
From Bradley Justice <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpChristian Schoenebeck Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack on a Nexus 7
I am working on a port of Jack 0.121.3 to Android. I have jackd running on
a rooted Nexus 7. This required modifications to Android. Today I ran
jack_simple_client and heard audio flowing through Jack using a USB audio

In getting this far I have hacked around - or just ignored - a number of
issues in the Jack code which I would like to discuss.

1. jackd fails with a bus error when accessing a packed structure. I am
currently working around this issue by disabling the packing. I believe
that this does not destabilize the software. I am wondering why the
structures are packed. Space saving only?

2. I have found no solution for get_cycles (cycles.h) for the ARM. The
Android NDK implementation returns 0 as does the ARM implementation in the
Linux kernel source. Currently I run with the Jack generic implementation

3. I have not sorted out a proper solution for atomics.h for the ARM. I am
currently using the Jack generic implementation

4. jack_get_tmpdir (client.c) fails on the fgets call; all looks good to me
up to that point.  My presumption is that this is an issue with the Android
shell, which is non-standard and severely crippled.

Thanking all in advance for their comments on these issues, and thanks to
the creators of Jack for the fine software.

Brad Justice
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