[Jack-Devel] Help on routing a Sonic Core system through netjack

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DateSun, 07 Jul 2013 21:11:32 -0600
From Dan Swain <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
Tojack-devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Dear all,

Thanks to the help of this mailing list I've been successful in setting up
a netjack client as a synth source.

I also have a computer set up with Creamware/Sonic Core cards that I would
like to send MIDI data _to_, and get audio _back_ to the master.

The cards use an interface of their own (Sonic Fusion) to manage the DSPs
of the cards. Sadly, there aren't any Linux implementations (yet), so I was
wondering if I could interface somehow with their platform.

All it would need to connect is the usual MIDI and audio devices. Because
this particular "mode" doesn't run as an ASIO host (XTC mode can, but it's
unreliable and the routing of audio out doesn't work as it would require a
host to use multiple ASIO devices simultaneously), are there any other ways
I can make Jack aware of Scope Fusion?

I hope that provides some information - please let me know if I can provide
more detail.


Thanks in advance!

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