[Jack-Devel] Windows XP - unable to load winmme driver

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DateWed, 26 Jun 2013 03:25:24 +0100
From Dan Swain <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpDevin Anderson Re: [Jack-Devel] Windows XP - unable to load winmme driver
Dear all,

I have a slave computer running Windows XP that I would like to send
MIDI data to from my master system, and get the audio output back.

I'm using Jack, downloaded from the official website yesterday
(24th of June, 2013).

The problem I'm having is with the MIDI portion of the command line. See below:

JackWinMMEDriver::Open - while creating input port: std::exception
JackWinMMEDriver::Open - while creating input port: std::exception
JackWinMMEDriver::Open - while creating output port: std::exception
JackWinMMEDriver::Open - while creating output port: std::exception
JackWinMMEDriver::Open - while creating output port: std::exception
JackWinMMEDriver::Open - no WinMME inputs or outputs allocated.
Driver "winmme" cannot be loaded

I've used a number of different command lines, but the most recent one
I've tried is:

C:\Program Files\Jack>jackd -X winmme -R -S -dnet -i1 -C0 -P2

Hopefully I've missed something simple. I look forward to hearing your

Thanks in advance!
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