Re: [Jack-Devel] Fwd: [andraudio] Google I/O: High performance audio talk

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DateWed, 22 May 2013 08:28:28 +0200
From Felix Homann <[hidden] at showlabor dot de>
ToPatrick Shirkey <[hidden] at boosthardware dot com>
Ccjack-devel devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>, [hidden] at android dot com, [hidden] at gmail dot com
In-Reply-ToPatrick Shirkey Re: [Jack-Devel] Fwd: [andraudio] Google I/O: High performance audio talk
Follow-UpPatrick Shirkey Re: [Jack-Devel] Fwd: [andraudio] Google I/O: High performance audio talk
2013/5/22 Patrick Shirkey <[hidden]>

> Please Note, I have cc'ed the two main presenters in the video above in
> case they feel the need to respond and justify their decision making
> process.

If I was one of them I wouldn't even think of responding to your message.
While you definetely have some valid points on the purely technical sides
the overall tone is just too offending and hostile. Given that they even
have given some details of their own struggles within Google to get at
least those 5% I don't think you're being fair to Raph Levien and Glenn
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