Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK_PROMISCUOUS_SERVER not working

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DateMon, 20 May 2013 04:38:11 +0100
From Christian Jaeger <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToChristian Jaeger [Jack-Devel] JACK_PROMISCUOUS_SERVER not working
I've fixed it by changing the two GetUID methods to return -1 in case the
env var is set. There was a reference to JACK_PROMISCUOUS_SERVER in
common/JackTools.cpp (that wasn't sufficient to get it to work [anymore])
that I've removed now since it's not necessary anymore with the GetUID

(Merge the fix_promiscous branch from

Maybe one of the two GetUID methods could be eliminated? I haven't looked
whether there is more duplication to eliminate or whether there is a reason
for it.

Now it works as long as umask is 0 for both the server and the client. I'm
going to look into changing that.

(BTW I did add some assert statements to check snprintf result values
strangely one of the asserts failed when exiting the server normally,
so I'm leaving it out of my build now.)

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