[Jack-Devel] Please help me!

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DateWed, 03 Apr 2013 23:23:44 +0800
From [hidden] at sina dot com <[hidden] at sina dot com
Tojack-devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>


    I am from china. I recently found someone in the software to use my photo and nickname as me,He exposed my details, caused great distress to my life.please kill his ID. Thank you .I used photos of people in the software called Lion●(In Annex 3 of his user name.)Please help  me ! Thank you !

The photo in attachment 1 is my Chinese identity card
The photo in attachment 2 pictures of my life
Appendix Figure 3 is faked my people use software screenshot

* Attachment: '=?GBK?B?YXR0YWNobWVudCAzLmpwZw==?='
content-type: image/jpeg
* Attachment: '=?GBK?B?YXR0YWNobWVudCAxLmpwZw==?='
content-type: image/jpeg
* Attachment: '=?GBK?B?YXR0YWNobWVudCAyLmpwZw==?='
content-type: image/jpeg
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