Re: [Jack-Devel] How to run multiple jackdbus

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DateFri, 16 Nov 2012 17:00:29 +0100
From Thomas DEBESSE <[hidden] at rcf dot fr>
ToNedko Arnaudov <[hidden] at arnaudov dot name>
Cc[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToNedko Arnaudov Re: [Jack-Devel] How to run multiple jackdbus
Thanks for your answers !

2012/11/7 Nedko Arnaudov <[hidden]>:
> You are entering terra incognita... :)

OK !

How people are actually using multiserver scenario was never clear to
> me. Multiple cards? Multiple users? Testing setups?

To me the idea is to have a "patchbay" connecting multiple tools in
one application but without pollute the user's patchbay.
With jackd using dummy driver with a name different that "default", it works.

> There are several problematic areas:
>  * one jackdbus instance per session bus
>  * per-user jack server settings that are autosaved
>  * session vs user

The first is the most problematic :D

> "one jackdbus instance per session bus" is problem only if you treat
> session bus as user bus. It should be possible to run multiple session
> bus daemons for same user with each jackdbus daemon attaching to
> different dbus session bus.

Oooh, good idea ! Don't know if it's easy (it means that my app must
also know how to launch and manage sessionbus :/).

> A related issue is that server name in jackdbus engine settings is
> useless and some users get into trap to set it. In context of
> multiserver setups, the server name is actually key/id for settings of
> that server. In context of single user setups, the server name only
> causes confusion. So this engine setting should be removed from the
> D-Bus presentation of the engine settings and maybe even from the
> control API.

For those who want to use it, server name is cool ! But yes, the name
is useless with dbus: unable to run multiple servers, so no need to
know how to identify them.

RCF Méditerrannée
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