Re: [Jack-Devel] asus eee pc 4g soundcard

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DateSat, 25 Aug 2012 11:32:05 -0500
From Gabriel Beddingfield <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
Toelecronicq <[hidden] at elecronicq dot info>
Ccjack-dev ml <[hidden] at jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-Toelecronicq [Jack-Devel] asus eee pc 4g soundcard
On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 10:41 AM, elecronicq <[hidden]> wrote:
>> greetings,
>> i'm running puredyne 9.11 os, based on ubuntu 9.10 lucid, 2.6.31-rt kernel, on an asus eee pc 4g, with a realtek ALC662 hi-definition audio 5.1 codec.
>> i'm getting constant xruns even with 4096 frames/period with any sound application.

The EEE PC 4G has the Celeron M 353 (aka the ULV processor).... this
processor totally rocks compared to an Atom processor, so you should
not be seeing this problem.[1]

>> any hints on how to solve this?
>> jack config is: 44100 sample rate; 2 periods/buffer; seq midi driver.

It's most likely that real-time scheduling is messed up.  Are you
starting JACK with the "-R" parameter?


* Make sure you've got the -R parameter with jackd
* Use 4 period/buffer (even with a smaller period size)
* Try different combinations of period size and periods/buffer.  Not
all hardware has a power-of-two buffer.
* Make sure you have real-time permissions ('ulimit -r' shows 95 instead of 0)
* Make sure that is not your
problem, see also the jack faq
* Set the CPU governor to "performance"
* Turn off X11 compositing
* Turn off your wifi card

Also, it's worth trying a more up-to-date distro with a "vanilla" kernel.


[1] I only say this as a sort of "existence and uniqueness of a
solution" theorem. :-)
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