Re: [Jack-Devel] Debian/Linux USB

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DateSun, 01 Jul 2012 14:09:08 -0400
From Paul Davis <[hidden] at linuxaudiosystems dot com>
ToPaul Romero <[hidden] at rcom-software dot com>
Cc[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToPaul Romero [Jack-Devel] Debian/Linux USB
On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Paul Romero <[hidden]> wrote:

> Dear Jack Members:
> I am new to jack and have a very basic question, which is probably
> quite elementary in terms of Jack.
> What I need to do involves connecting one of the commercially
> available Midi Instrument to USB adapter cables adapters to my
> PC USB port.  My PC runs on a fairly modern version of Debian
> Linux.  What I need to do is even simpler. In particular I need
> to write and read bytes from the USB port to verify that
> parsing the and generating Midi messages is working
> correctly.  Fidelity is not an issue.
> Does Jack included an API that will work for this purpose and
> are any special USB drivers needed if so ?

it does, but it may not be the right API to use for this purpose.

unlike with audio, where JACK is fundamentally involved in moving data
to/from an audio interface (*), JACK's involvement with MIDI is mostly
limited to moving MIDI data between JACK clients. it is possible to run a
bridge between the hardware driver and JACK, but this simply adds
complications that you don't really need.

just use the ALSA raw MIDI API documented at the ALSA website. its simple,
and does what you need.

no special drivers are needed if the device is a regular class-compliant
USB MIDI device.


(*) JACK doesn't actually have to talk to an audio interface either, but
this is by far the most common way that it is used.
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