Re: [Jack-Devel] how you can love JACK back

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DateTue, 05 Jun 2012 01:21:52 +0200
From Robin Gareus <[hidden] at gareus dot org>
ToPaul Davis <[hidden] at linuxaudiosystems dot com>
CcJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] how you can love JACK back
Follow-UpHarry van Haaren Re: [Jack-Devel] how you can love JACK back
I'm starting to think that the idea of using git to flesh out the
changeset was not a good idea after all :( The reason for that is that
essential changes are dwarfed by the differences in the documentation.

The majority of changes jack1 -> jack2 headers are NOOPs:
 * jack2 fixed a lot of typos in the documentation in the header files.
 * jack2 replaces many tabs with spaces but does not retain jack1's neat
   code-indent. Well, that's a matter of taste and tabwidth definition.
 * jack2 moved all typedefs into types.h and OS-dependent code into
 * jack2 adds variable-names for place-holders as required by C++: e.g.
    int some_function (jack_client_t *,...)       // jack1
    int some_function (jack_client_t *client,...) // jack2

If you neglect those: There are actually very few changes between jack 1
and 2's headers! The prominent ones that make jack1 fail to compile with
jack2 headers are:

  jack_port_type_id_t: int32_t -> uint32_t
  rework of control-api: jackctl_server_start()
  and thread-api: sigset_t -> jackctl_sigmask_t,
      jack_native_thread_t abstraction in jack2

I should have done my homework first: it's gitourious that features
side-by-side diffs - not github  - github won't even do diffs, but only
display commit-diffs. Thus it took a bit of re-basing to create a single
diff of changes. Here it is:

I don't think this is what you wanted. NTL it's a start.

As for teensy-weensy bit controversial changes: So far its only
whitespace and indenting changes; but therefore lots of them!! and a bit
or re-ordering to re-nice the diff somewhat.

anyway, back to the drawing board.
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