Re: [Jack-Devel] su, limits, PAM and JACK

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DateWed, 23 May 2012 09:22:40 -0700
From Sean Bolton <[hidden] at smbolton dot com>
ToRobin Gareus <[hidden] at gareus dot org>
CcJACK Mailing List <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToRobin Gareus [Jack-Devel] su, limits, PAM and JACK
Hi all,

On Tue, 22 May 2012 18:52:38 +0200 Robin Gareus <[hidden]>
> For an installation, I'm trying to start jackd during boot on a
> headless box, but it fails to acquire real-time privileges.
> 'user' is in the audio group, and limits.conf is set up. All works
> fine if I log-in as 'user' and launch `jackd -d alsa ..` manually.
> If I log in as root (or call it from init):
>   su user -c 'jackd ..'     # fails -> no rt priv

I use set_rlimits[1] for this:

    su user -c '/usr/sbin/set_rlimits jackd ..'

The set_rlimits configuration file is much like that of sudo: you can
specify which users or groups can run which commands with which mem
lock and rt priority limits. It's the simplest solution I know of, and
even works on my PAM-less Slackware boxes. For a typical workstation
environment, I start both jackd and the window manager's task bar with
it, so that any JACK client apps the user starts also have the needed



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