[Jack-Devel] [ANN] QjackCtl 0.3.9 quietly emerges...

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DateFri, 18 May 2012 16:14:26 +0100
From Rui Nuno Capela <[hidden] at rncbc dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Guess what...?

the last of the remnants quietly emerges :)

   QjackCtl 0.3.9 has been released, finally!



Project page:



- source tarball:

- source package (openSUSE 12.1):


- binary packages (openSUSE 12.1):



Weblog (upstream support):



   QjackCtl is free, open-source software, distributed under the terms 
of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.


- Killing D-BUS controlled JACK server is now made optional, cf. 
Setup/Misc/Stop JACK audio server on application exit. (a patch by 
Roland Mas, thanks).
- Added include <unistd.h> to shut up gcc 4.7 build failures.
- Make(ing) -jN parallel builds now available for the masses.
- A mis-quoting bug at the command line argument string may have been 
crippling the (unmaintained) Windows port since ever, leaving its main 
function to start jackd dead in the water, belly down :) now hopefully 
fixed (following a mail transaction with Stephane Letz and Mathias 
Nagorni, thanks).
- Currently a JACK2-only feature, the JACK version string display at the 
About dialog box, must now be explicitly enabled on configure time 
- A new so called "Server Suffix" parameter option appears to rescue on 
the situations where QjackCtl falls short on extra, exquisite and/or 
esoteric command line options eg. (net)jack1/2 differences.
- Fixed D-Bus Input/Output device parameter settings, filled when either 
interface is selected for Capture/Playback only. (probable fix for bug 
- Fixed Makefile.in handling of installation directories to the 
configure script eg. --datadir, --localedir, --mandir. (after an 
original patch from h3xx, thanks).
- Main window is now brought to front and (re)activated when clicking on 
the system tray icon instead of just hiding it.
- Add current xrun count to the system tray icon tooltip, if not zero 
(after patch #3314633 by Colin Fletcher, thanks).

Enjoy && Have fun!
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
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