[Jack-Devel] Tascam us-428

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DateMon, 05 Mar 2012 11:31:52 -0600
From Jonathan Bennett <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] Tascam us-428
Running Fedora 16 x64. Jackd 1.9.8 and Alsa 1.0.25 (system reports
that alsa-driver is only at .24)

I recently got my hands on a tascam us-428 control surface/ 4 input
usb soundcard. I've gotten firmware uploaded to it, and most
everything is working. My eventual goal is to use it with ardour for
music recording. I have the first two channels of input and the
control surface working satisfactorily. What I lack is the last two
channels of input. I'm using the alsa driver, and it only reports two
inputs. Setting the number of inputs to 4 in jackd bombs out when
starting. "ALSA: cannot set channel count to 4 for capture"

I've tried "modprobe snd_usb_usx2y nrpacks=1" to use the rawusb
driver. When trying to start jackd, I get "ATTENTION: The capture
(recording) device "hw:2,2" is already in use. Please stop the
application using it and run JACK again"

I've killed pulseaudio, searched with fuser, and tried every
incantation I can find. Nothing is using hw:2,2 and I can't figure out
why jack can't talk to it. Judging from googling, It looks like it
worked correctly back in 2007.

Any thoughts on what to try next? I'd love to use the tascam us-428,
as it is available free to me, and has (theoretically) 4 recording

~Jonathan Bennett
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