[Jack-Devel] Compiling QjackCtl 0.3.8 on Windows

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DateFri, 02 Mar 2012 14:22:35 +0100
From Stéphane Letz <[hidden] at grame dot fr>
To[hidden] at jackaudio dot org
Hi all,

The binary version of  QjackCtl included in JACK for Windows package is now quite old and a bit buggy. I need to compile the latest version.

Has anybody succeeded in compiling QjackCtl 0.3.8 on WIndows?

As I understand src.pri  and config.h have to be setup correctly. Anybody with a version of those files I could reuse? Can QTCreator be used?

Thanks in advance for any info on how to setup the compilation environement and build the application.

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