Re: [Jack-Devel] jack - audio group - package install

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DateMon, 23 Jan 2012 05:54:19 +0100
From Kaj Ailomaa <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToKaj Ailomaa [Jack-Devel] jack - audio group - package install
Follow-UpDavid Nielson Re: [Jack-Devel] jack - audio group - package install
On 2012-01-23 05:48, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
> There's been a discussion between some people involved around Ubuntu
> Studio about audio group.
> As a result of those discussions, a bug was filed. (audio group is used
> for two different things..)
> I'm however more concerned with the practical problem that the
> administration of realtime privileges present.
> It's a common problem for thousands of new users, who have no idea about
> realtime privlege, memlock or audio group.
> Audio based distros are able to fix this for them, but let's look at it
> this way:
> Installing the jackd deb package will not give you realtime privilege.
> It will install the file /etc/security/init.d/audio.conf
> "
> ..
> @audio - rtprio 95
> @audio - memlock unlimited
> ..
> "
> To make use of it, you still need to belong to audio group.
> Would it be possible to let the installation of jackd also add current
> user to audio group? Or, even all "normal" users.

It would also require to change the default groups for normal users 
(when administrating user accounts using a gui)

> I don't think Arch users would like this as much as let's say, Ubuntu or
> Mint users.
> It would make things a lot simpler for a lot of people who only would
> need to install jackd to be able to use it in realtime (after a reboot).
> And, what would be an alternative way to let users seemlessly get access
> to realtime privilege without having to belong to a special group at all?

I understand that the best way would be for the group to already exist 
upon installing the system, and for all users to automatically be 
members of it.
In which case, what reasons would Debian, Ubuntu or Mint have against 
adding such a default group to all users.
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