[Jack-Devel] Σχετ: The Situation(s) With JACK

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DateThu, 15 Dec 2011 01:05:46 +0000
From Panos Ghekas <[hidden] at yahoo dot gr>
To"[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org" <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToFelix Homann Re: [Jack-Devel] The Situation(s) With JACK
Hi everyone,

Please don't abandon Windows users of Jack...!!
Especially jOrganers depend on it , also GrandOrgue and Hauptwerk ones.

In my case 1.9.8 for both 32 &64bit win7 does miracles on desktop level, allowing me to use anything I want in any way I choose.
I'm not a software programmer, but a musician and user first. So, everything depends on how a program good on serving music is.

I simply don't understand why some OS must be abandoned.
Stephane did a wonderful work on 1.9.8 why must all this work go waste?
There is room for all...


 Áðï: Felix Homann <[hidden]>
Ðñïò: [hidden] 
ÓôÜëèçêå: 2:42 ð.ì. ÐÝìðôç, 15 Äåêåìâñßïõ 2011
Èåìá: Re: [Jack-Devel] The Situation(s) With JACK
Am 14.12.2011 22:35, schrieb Fons Adriaensen:
> 2. A completely separate matter - I'd like to ask and invite anyone to respond: is there any serious Linux Audio *USER* out there who cares about Jack on Windows ? 

I certainly do care a lot about JACK on Linux and Mac and Windows! Being able to run my software on all three platforms is absolutely mandatory for me.
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