[Jack-Devel] jack_free from when? and a couple of other things

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DateWed, 30 Nov 2011 10:53:23 +0000
From Neil C Smith <[hidden] at neilcsmith dot net>
Tojack-devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpStéphane Letz Re: [Jack-Devel] jack_free from when? and a couple of other things
Hi All,

I'm just updating the JNAJack bindings to fix a few issues, mainly on
Windows.  As part of that I'm switching to mapping jack_free
throughout.  Can someone let me know what are the earliest versions of
Jack1 and Jack2 that provide that function?  I can't seem to find this
information - apologies if I'm missing somewhere obvious.

I've fixed a couple of issues in the mapping of jack_connect, mainly
by switching the mapping to require a client passed in as per the
underlying API.  Out of interest, why does this function require a
client?  It's not in the documentation as far as I can see, but I'd be
keen to document more than "it's required because it is!" ;-)

And finally, any chance of getting JNAJack added to the Programming
Libraries section of the Applications page?  JJack hasn't had any
development action for a long time, while JNAJack is active and works
in more places - a number of projects using JJack are or have
expressed interest in switching.

Thanks and best wishes,

Neil C Smith
Artist : Technologist : Adviser
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