[Jack-Devel] automated jack settings test

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DateSun, 13 Nov 2011 20:31:41 -0600
From Scott Lavender <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] automated jack settings test
Follow-UpJohn Rigg Re: [Jack-Devel] automated jack settings test
i had an idea for an application to help new users setup jack and i
wanted some feedback.

the general thought is...
1. a user would start the application
2. pick an available audio interface to test
3. the program would test settings [1] against an "xrun condition" [2]
4. then determine the best setting by lowest stable recorded latency
5. set the lowest stable setting

[1] this could be brute force or following smart rules
[2] not defined at this time and i'm sure everyone will argue what is
proper but could be something arbitrary like 4 xruns over a 10 second
time period or 0 xruns over 15 minutes, also this could even
incorporate the 'rtevel' application or other test to invoke a load

okay, let me know why this wouldn't work.

scott lavender
ubuntu studio project lead
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