[Jack-Devel] Number of ports

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DateTue, 08 Nov 2011 11:32:41 +0200
From Royi Freifeld <[hidden] at bgu dot ac dot il>
To[hidden] at jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] Number of ports
Follow-UpPeter Nelson Re: [Jack-Devel] Number of ports
First of all I must thank you guys for your help with my last problem
("Cannot read server event"). I managed to solve it. It wasn't a JACK
problem but some garbage data that was sent.

And for my question:
Is the number of ports that can be registered depends on the sound card I
have or is it limited in the code?
I managed to open only 124 ports.


Carpe Diem
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