Re: [Jack-Devel] JackSession | Qjackct did rm /home

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DateWed, 07 Sep 2011 16:20:20 +0200
From Fabrice Lebas <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-Uptorbenh Re: [Jack-Devel] JackSession | Qjackct did rm /home
>> one could ask why jack expects an empty session directory in the first
>> place, and yes i've argued about that long ago on #jack irc. the
>> argument for was that it would be a greater "danger" if it would be
>> allowed to leave cruft/dead state data under the session directories. i
>> just thought to my self, who cares? alas, destroying data was the argued
>> solution and boy was i disgruntled too (*grin*)
>> and yes, qjackctl prompts the user whether he/she really wants to
>> replace an existing non-empty session directory.
>> cheers

Arrrrg! Jack-session rm -R killed me!

when saving session, I though it was a wise idea to create a symlink
to my application data (audio takes) so I can still work on the same
directory and have session save/restore without copying huge amount of

Saving the same session twice will wipe all the audio takes under the
link target.

dot. dot. dot.
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