[Jack-Devel] MIDI routing not working

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DateMon, 16 May 2011 16:29:09 -0300
From Sergio Krakowski Costa Rego <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] MIDI routing not working
I've just downloaded Jack and it's possibilities are amazing.
But I couldn't use the MIDI comunication functionality. I turn
on JackPilot, then Live and Pure Data. When I open the PD
MIDI preferences there is no Jack Router, nor any CoreMIDI driver.
I have to choose my MOTUtravelerMIDI device as an output.
Live also chooses automatically this device.

When I open Jack's Connection Manager there is no MOTU
option, just two system_midi send ports (capture 1 and 2) and
one system_midi receive port. I tried connecting capture_1 and _2
to playback_1 but I don't receive the MIDI signal from PD into Live...

Can anyone help me?

Thank you very much!
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