Re: [Jack-Devel] Installers for Jack 1.9.8 (SVN 4384) for Windows 64 and 32 bits

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DateTue, 10 May 2011 20:46:49 +0100
From Peter L Jones <[hidden] at drealm dot info>
To[hidden] at jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToStéphane Letz [Jack-Devel] Installers for Jack 1.9.8 (SVN 4384) for Windows 64 and 32 bits

Here is a .7z with my latest test output:

This contains verbose server and latency client output for periods of 64, 128
and 512.  I left the device with Active Sensing running -- I can redo the tests
with it switched off if this will help.


-- Peter

On 09/05/2011 16:47, Stéphane Letz wrote:
> Hi Windows users.
> Updated installer for Jack 1.9.8 (SVN 4384) on Windows 64 and 32 bits is available:
> 1) Pure 32 bits version:
> 2) Mixed 64/32 bits version:
> SVN 4384 : 
> -  fix bug in netjack2, restore working JackRouter bridge.
> The Jack v 1.9.8/64bits/JackRouter.dll still has to be registered "manually" with regsvr32
> Be sure to uninstall previous version before installing the new one.
> Testing and feedback welcome! Especially the experimental MMCSS stuff.
> Stéphane 
> PS: Peter, I cannot reproduce your problem with jack_midi_latency_test hare, can you provide log on server and client side in verbose mode? Thanks.
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