Re: [Jack-Devel] Installers for Jack 1.9.8 (SVN 4356) for Windows 64 and 32 bits

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DateSat, 30 Apr 2011 16:58:14 -0400
From Paul Davis <[hidden] at linuxaudiosystems dot com>
ToDevin Anderson <[hidden] at charityfinders dot com>
CcPeter L Jones <[hidden] at drealm dot info>, [hidden] at jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToDevin Anderson Re: [Jack-Devel] Installers for Jack 1.9.8 (SVN 4356) for Windows 64 and 32 bits
On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Devin Anderson
<[hidden]> wrote:

> Apparently, this isn't the case.  On further research, it appears that
> the timers *always* have a wakeup of +/- 1 millisecond.  So, if I
> tried to set the timer to wakeup a millisecond later, I might wake up
> 2 milliseconds or later.  That would just create more jitter.

i recall sometime around 2000 reading some stuff in various electronic
music magazines about new timers in windows designed to get around
this, but then in 2001 steinberg and other companies came out with
dedicated hardware designed to "work around the limitations of the
windows timing system forever" (that hardware is long gone and windows
timing is still with us, naturally). i would have though that with the
HPET having been around for at least 7 or 8 years now, windows would
have found some way to export a better resolution timed wakeup, but
hey ...
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