Re: [Jack-Devel] Numerous Xcode targets for Jack2

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DateTue, 12 Apr 2011 12:45:02 +0200
From Stéphane Letz <[hidden] at grame dot fr>
ToÉdouard Gilbert <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
Cc[hidden] at jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToÉdouard Gilbert [Jack-Devel] Numerous Xcode targets for Jack2
Le 12 avr. 2011 ࠱2:35, ɤouard Gilbert a 飲it :

> Hi everyone,
> I’d like to build Jack2 on Mac OS X.  According to the README, the appropriate method is to use Xcode to do so.  While building with the latest release (1.9.7) is quite broken, the latest revision (r4293) seems much better and, apart from the assumption that some libraries and headers are installed in /opt/local (I don’t use macports), it should build fine.
> However, I also want to be able to switch quickly from one architecture to another; and the targets are designed in such a way that it is not that easy:
> —every target is duplicated (once for ppc [32 bits]+ i386 , once for i386 + x86_64)
> —many information, such as target platform, seems to be set within each target (i.e. about 90 times) instead of inherited from a single config file;
> e.g., switching the architecture to intel 32 bits only would require about 45 changes
> Plus, while not really troublesome, some other things are quite inelegant:
> —tools are linked with frameworks through "other linked flags" instead of using linked libraries
> —the Default configuration is not always consistent with the Development and Deployment configurations
> e.g., For audioadapter Universal, Development and Deployment configs are set to Intel 32 bits only, but Default is i386 + ppc.
> —the target for jackdmp is called jackdmp framework (?)
> So I was wondering, are there some reasons why the targets are that complex or should I not worry, butcher my way through and simplify as much as possible?
> Cheers,
> ɤouard GILBERT
> [hidden]
> <ɤouard Gilbert.vcf>

History... incremental changes on an initial PPC only version, too lazy to improve.

Nothing against cleanup, better version welcome.

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