[Jack-Devel] need a little help with jack_midi_latency_test

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DateMon, 11 Apr 2011 21:19:45 -0500
From Chris Caudle <[hidden] at chriscaudle dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
I'm trying to test out the new jack midi as requested, but need a little
assistance to get past the getting started stage.

I first tried with my existing jackd command line, but that used -Xseq
which doesn't seem to play well with the new midi driver.  So I changed to
-Xalsarawmidi as given in the example from the original email, but I can't
figure the naming convention.  When I started jackd with -Xseq, it printed
"port created: Lexicon-Lambda:midi/playback_1" and similarly for capture
ports.  When started with -Xalsarawmidi it does not print the port names. 
How do I find the name that should be passed to jack_midi_latency_test?

Chris Caudle
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