Re: [Jack-Devel] Call for testing of MIDI Drivers in JACK 2

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DateThu, 07 Apr 2011 09:57:49 +0200
From Stéphane Letz <[hidden] at grame dot fr>
ToJack devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToDevin Anderson [Jack-Devel] Call for testing of MIDI Drivers in JACK 2
Le 7 avr. 2011 à 00:30, Devin Anderson a écrit :

> Over the past few weeks, Stéphane and I have been overhauling the code
> for the MIDI drivers in JACK 2.  This includes the Linux FFADO driver,
> the Mac CoreMIDI driver, the Windows WinMME driver, and a new Linux
> 'alsarawmidi' slave driver that can run alongside other master drivers
> (i.e. FFADO).  The new code is now in JACK 2 SVN, and will probably be
> officially released with JACK 1.9.8.

Devin did an amazing job in restructuring the whole code, defining some reusable concepts so that each driver on each platform will hopefully be easier to optimize, debug and maintain.

> I'm interested in getting feedback on the new drivers, and refining
> the code before JACK 1.9.8 is released.  I'd like to know how the
> drivers work with all sorts of hardware, and with lots of different
> JACK configurations.  In particular, I'd like to get data about MIDI
> latency and (more importantly) jitter that occurs with different
> setups.  To this end, I've written a program that's distributed as an
> example client with JACK 2 named `jack_midi_latency_test` that I'll
> talk about in a moment.
> If you run JACK 2 from SVN, have a JACK compatible MIDI interface, and
> are interested in helping out, here's what you can do:
> 1.) Start JACK in a terminal.  If you're using the CoreMIDI, WinMME,
> or alsarawmidi drivers, then use the '-X' switch to specify
> 'coremidi', 'winmme', or 'alsarawmidi' respectively.  For example:
>    jackd --sync -P70 -Xalsarawmidi -ddummy

The point here is that with the JACK2 master/slave model for drivers, the MIDI driver can be used with different masters : audio, dummy, or net.
This add a lot of flexibility to the system.

Testing on OSX and Windows will be a bit more complex since building JACK2 on OSX (Xcode) or Windows (CodeBlock) still require a bit of blood and sweat...

We plan to release JackOSX 0.88 package soon (based on Jack 1.9.7 so old model for CoreMidi driver..) An experimental JackOSX 0.89 package based on 1.9.8 SVN can be done later.

I'm currently working on 64/32 support on WIndows...(will need some time to test and prepare an installer)

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