Re: [Jack-Devel] Proposal: JACK MIDI API extension for system exclusive messages

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DateSat, 02 Apr 2011 15:40:08 -0700
From Devin Anderson <[hidden] at charityfinders dot com>
ToPaul Davis <[hidden] at linuxaudiosystems dot com>
CcJack devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] Proposal: JACK MIDI API extension for system exclusive messages
Follow-UpStéphane Letz Re: [Jack-Devel] Proposal: JACK MIDI API extension for system exclusive messages
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Paul Davis <[hidden]> wrote:

> the question is whether the
> complexity of your proposal (i'm not actually scoring it, just noting
> that its more complex than doing nothing :) is balanced by the
> real-world instances of this sort of case.

I'd like to make a second proposal that incorporates some parts of the
first proposal, but isn't as complex (I hope).

This proposal assumes that the jack_midi_event_t struct would not need
to be modified in order for the 'buffer' member to reference shared
memory.  My reading on shared memory indicates that this is okay, but
I can't be totally sure because I don't have a thorough understanding
of the internals of JACK.

The advantage of this proposal is that JACK clients wouldn't need to
change what they're doing right now.  MIDI events can continue to be
processed in the same manner they're processed now.  The 'size' member
of 'jack_midi_event_t' objects would contain the size, regardless of
whether the 'buffer' member holds a blob or not.

The disadvantage is that clients would have access to shared memory
segments associated with MIDI buffers created by other clients.
Perhaps changing the jack_midi_event_t buffer member to be of type
'const jack_midi_data_t *' would be helpful, but that will break some

To start, we'd keep functionality for creating and destroying MIDI
blobs, only a MIDI blob is now a 'jack_midi_data_t *' that points to a
segment of shared memory:

   jack_midi_data_t *
   jack_midi_blob_create(jack_client_t *client, size_t size);

   jack_midi_blob_free(jack_midi_data_t *blob);

MIDI buffers need to be taught how to enqueue blobs.  The 'size'
argument specifies the amount of the blob that contains an actual

   jack_midi_event_write_blob(void *port_buffer, jack_nframes_t time,
                              const jack_midi_data_t *blob, size_t size);

Dealing with references to blobs is a little different than the first
proposal.  The JACK server would need a way to map shared
'jack_midi_data_t *' objects to reference counts.

We need to know if a particular 'jack_midi_data_t *' is a blob:

    jack_midi_is_blob(const jack_midi_data_t *data);

(Perhaps this should take a 'port_buffer' argument too.  Not sure.)

A client can acquire and release references to blobs if the client
needs to access the blob for more than one cycle, or in a separate

    jack_midi_blob_acquire(jack_client_t *client, const jack_midi_data_t *data);

    jack_midi_blob_release(jack_client_t *client, const jack_midi_data_t *data);

(Maybe the client arguments aren't necessary.)

Finally, we have callbacks to let clients know when a blob has no more
clients using the blob:

   typedef void (*JackMIDIBlobCallback)(jack_midi_data_t *blob, void *arg);

   jack_set_midi_blob_callback(jack_client_t *client,
                               JackMIDIBlobCallback midi_blob_callback,
                               void *arg);

I think this is a lot simpler for clients.  I'm interested in knowing
what sort of challenges this presents for JACK 1 and JACK 2.


Devin Anderson
devin (at) charityfinders (dot) com

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