[Jack-Devel] Proposal: JACK MIDI API extension for system exclusive messages

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DateThu, 31 Mar 2011 01:13:44 -0700
From Devin Anderson <[hidden] at charityfinders dot com>
ToJack devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpDevin Anderson Re: [Jack-Devel] Proposal: JACK MIDI API extension for system exclusive messages
Follow-UpPedro Alves Re: [Jack-Devel] Proposal: JACK MIDI API extension for system exclusive messages
Back in August, there was a discussion about implementing
functionality to deal with large system exclusive MIDI message in
JACK.  At the time, I proposed that the interface for
'jack_midi_event_t' could be changed like from:

    typedef struct _jack_midi_event {
        jack_nframes_t time;
        size_t size;
        jack_midi_data_t *buffer;
    } jack_midi_event_t;

... to something like this:

    typedef struct _jack_midi_event {
        jack_nframes_t time;
        size_t size;
        union {
            jack_midi_data_t *buffer;
            const jack_midi_stream_t *stream;
    } jack_midi_event_t;

... in order to accomodate large system exclusive messages by
containing such messages in shared memory, with (size == 0) indicating
that the alternate 'stream' object would contain the message instead
of the 'buffer' object.

Since I'm taking a bit of time away from work right now, I'd like to
expand on my idea and make a proposal for an extension to the JACK

To start, let's discuss the problem at hand.

JACK MIDI, in its current state, is very good at handling lots of
small MIDI messages, and sending/delivering them in sync with audio.
This is absolutely fantastic for the greater majority of JACK clients,
which don't have to communicate with external hardware, and most
likely have no need for system exclusive messages.  However, JACK MIDI
cannot currently handle arbitrarily large system exclusive messages
for a couple reasons:

1.) Support for system exclusive messages (and MIDI in general, in
some cases) in drivers that provide an interface to physical MIDI
ports is poor.  This problem is currently being addressed in JACK 2 (I
don't know the state of MIDI drivers in JACK 1).

2.) The MIDI buffers that clients/drivers use to send/receive messages
have a fixed size.  Any messages that can't fit in a MIDI buffer are
discarded.  This is the problem I'd like to address with this

One way to solve this problem is to create a separate space in shared
memory for any arbitrarily sized MIDI message.  Basically, a space is
allocated (hereafter referred to as 'blob') for a MIDI message in
shared memory, which is then populated by a client, and copied to the
buffer.  When the MIDI message is copied to the buffer, the *address*
of the MIDI blob is copied, and not the data itself.  Since the data
is in shared memory, it can be read by clients that receive the MIDI
message without making extremely large buffers.

Of course, since there's lots of data to be read, there also needs to
be a way for the blobs to be read over several cycles, or possibly in
separate threads.  Since the data is in shared memory, there's also a
need to make sure that clients that receive messages containing MIDI
blobs can't easily modify the data in the blob.  As if that weren't
enough, we also need to make sure that there's a way for the client
that 'owns' the blob to know when other clients are done accessing the
blob object.  These problems can be solved by using a 'stream' object
(hereafter referred to as 'blobstream' object), which is allowed to
access the blob and maintain the blob's structure.

I'm proposing the JACK MIDI API be extended to support MIDI 'blob'
objects and 'blobstream' objects.  The functionality I propose here
would be added to 'jack/midiport.h'.

First, new opaque types would be created for 'blob' and 'blobstream' objects:

    typedef struct _jack_midi_blob jack_midi_blob_t;
    typedef struct _jack_midi_blobstream jack_midi_blobstream_t;

For reference and understanding, internal definitions of these objects
might look something like this:

    struct _jack_midi_blob {
        jack_client_t *client;       /* The client that owns the stream. */
        jack_midi_data_t *buffer;    /* The actual MIDI data. */
        size_t buffer_size;          /* The size of the allocated buffer. */
        size_t actual_size;          /* Actual number of bytes being used. */
        unsigned short stream_count; /* Count of streams accessing the blob. */

    struct _jack_midi_blobstream {
        union {
            const jack_midi_blob_t *read_blob; /* For read operations. */
            jack_midi_blob_t *write_blob;      /* For write operations. */
        size_t pos;                            /* Location of the stream. */
        int read_only;                         /* Flag. */

New functionality for creating, accessing, and destroying blobs would
be necessary:

     * Create a new MIDI blob in shared memory that can accomodate 'size'
     * bytes.  Returns the blob on success, and NULL on failure.

    jack_midi_blob_t *
    jack_midi_blob_create(jack_client_t *client, size_t size);

     * Frees the memory associated with the given MIDI blob.

    jack_midi_blob_free(jack_midi_blob_t *blob);

     * Returns the number of bytes that the MIDI blob can contain.

    jack_midi_blob_size(const jack_midi_blob_t *blob);

We need to be able to create 'blobstream' objects, which can be used
to access blob objects using a simple file-like API:

     * Opens a blob for reading.  The given stream object is initialized for
     * reading data from the given blob object.  The return code is 0 on
     * success, or an appropriate non-zero error code if an error occurs.

    jack_midi_blobstream_open_read(jack_midi_blobstream_t *stream,
                                   const jack_midi_blob_t *blob);

     * Opens a blob for writing.  The given stream object is initialized for
     * writing data to the given blob object.  The return code is 0 on success,
     * or an appropriate non-zero error code if an error occurs.

    jack_midi_blobstream_open_write(jack_midi_blobstream_t *stream,
                                    jack_midi_blob_t *blob);

     * Reads 'count' bytes of data from the given 'stream' to the 'dest'
     * buffer.  The return code is 0 on success, or an appropriate non-zero
     * error code if an error occurs.

    jack_midi_blobstream_read(jack_midi_blobstream_t *stream,
                              jack_midi_data_t *dest, size_t count);

     * Sets the current 'stream' position to 'pos'.  The return code is 0 on
     * success, or an appropriate non-zero error code if an error occurs.

    jack_midi_blobstream_seek(jack_midi_blobstream_t *stream, size_t pos);

     * Populates the 'pos' argument with the current 'stream' position.  The
     * return code is 0 on success, or an appropriate non-zero error code if an
     * error occurs.

    jack_midi_blobstream_tell(jack_midi_blobstream_t *stream, size_t *pos);

     * Writes 'count' bytes of data from the 'src' buffer to the given
     * 'stream'.  The return code is 0 on success, or an appropriate non-zero
     * error code if an error occurs.
     * Note: This operation isn't valid on streams opened with
     * 'jack_midi_blobstream_open_read'.

    jack_midi_blobstream_write(jack_midi_blobstream_t *stream,
                               const jack_midi_data_t *src, size_t count);

     * Closes the given 'stream'.  The return code is 0 on success, or an
     * appropriate non-zero error code if an error occurs.

    jack_midi_blobstream_close(jack_midi_blobstream_t *stream);

MIDI buffers need to be taught how to enqueue blobs:

     * Writes a 'blob' event into the given 'port_buffer' with the given sample
     * offset.  The return code is 0 on success, or an appropriate non-zero
     * error code if an error occurs.

    jack_midi_event_write_blob(void *port_buffer, jack_nframes_t time,
                               const jack_midi_blob_t *blob);

Finally, JACK needs a way to communicate to JACK clients that their
blobs are no longer being accessed by streams.  My current thinking is
that a callback is the best way to do this:

    typedef void (*JackMIDIBlobCallback)(jack_midi_blob_t *blob, void *arg);

     * Registers a function (and argument) to be called when a MIDI blob is no
     * longer being accessed by client streams.  The return code is 0 on
     * success, or an appropriate non-zero error code if an error occurs.

    jack_set_midi_blob_callback(jack_client_t *client,
                                JackMIDIBlobCallback midi_blob_callback,
                                void *arg);

I'm sure I've overlooked many details in this proposal, but I think
all of this can be ironed out with a bit of communal brainstorming.

Let me (and the rest of jack-devel - please don't reply off-list
without good reason) know what you think.

Devin Anderson
devin (at) charityfinders (dot) com

CharityFinders - http://www.charityfinders.com/
synthclone - http://synthclone.googlecode.com/
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