Re: [Jack-Devel] Command line parameters

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DateSun, 13 Mar 2011 13:40:45 +0100
From Arnold Krille <[hidden] at arnoldarts dot de>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToJohn Emmas [Jack-Devel] Command line parameters
On Sunday 13 March 2011 12:56:24 John Emmas wrote:
> Is there a list anywhere of all the command line parameters for jackdmp 1.9
> and what they mean?  Things like -S, -T etc.
> Actually I've seen such a list on the internet because occasionally, I've
> stumbled upon it by accident - but I can never seem to find it when I'm
> actually looking for it..!  :-(
> Also, how come some of the parameters are used for two different purposes? 
> For example, "-p" is used to specify the number of ports and also the
> period size.  "-d" is used to specify the backend driver and also for
> specifying a duplex hardware device.

"jackd --help" tells you about the options for jackd itself.
"jackd -d <backend> --help" tells you about the specific options for each 
Note that generic jack options are listed before the -d <backend>, all options 
after that go to the backend.

Have fun,

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